We sold our very first office phone booth in London in November 2018 – feels like ages ago! After strong sales throughout 2019, we decided to launch in Germany in January 2020, a few weeks before the pandemic hit Europe and the world. Just as we were making our first sales of “MEAVO Telefonzellen fürs Büro”, Europe went into lockdown. Luckily, demand picked up throughout the summer in both the UK and Germany and we finished the year strong despite Covid-19.
Anticipating an end to lockdowns in Europe in Q2 2021, we decided to launch in France in January 2021. Our French website is now live allowing visitors to learn more about “les Cabines Acoustiques MEAVO”. Our office phone booths are on display at L’Antenne in Paris (10 rue La Vacquerie, 75011 Paris).
We look forward to the end of the current lockdown so that employees can return to the office and everyone can get back to their (new) normal lives. Regardless of how the post-Covid world will be like, we’ll surely look forward to seeing family and friends, visiting a restaurant, going to the cinema, exploring an exhibition, attending a concert, returning to school… the list seems endless!
While we have a local presence and showrooms in the UK (London), Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Bonn, Neu-Ulm and Dresden) and France (Paris, Toulouse), you can also find our office pods on display in Copenhagen and Sofia with more cities being added to this list soon.

We’re not only expanding our offering geographically; we’ve also been busy developing new products! We have recently launched our two- and four-person meeting pods. You can expect the same quality and features as from our single person SOHO phone booths. Equipped with lighting, ventilation, sockets and USB charge ports you’ll have everything you need for a productive meeting.
Stay tuned!