The past few years have radically altered the world of work, with new challenges, working structures, and technologies shifting how we interact with our jobs. In light of the pandemic and an accelerated movement toward flexible working spaces, new workplace habits formed and proliferated through the world of work. Open offices, office phone booths, and more collaborative frameworks have become integral to workplace cultures.
Yet, despite the movements to remote work and hybrid work over the past two years, around 68% of workers complete their jobs in a traditional office space. However, definitions of ‘traditional’ working are rapidly shifting, with the modern workspace looking extremely distinct from just a few decades ago.
One of the most impactful changes to modern workspaces is the move to a flexible working structure. But what exactly are office phone booths, and why have they become so popular?
In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about office pods, explaining what they are, their benefits, and what you can expect inside one. Let’s dive right in.
Why Office Phone Booths are so Effective?
Around 95% of employees state they need privacy when focusing on work. As we’ve moved toward more collaborative and flexible workplace setups, employees find it increasingly more difficult to find quiet spaces where they can concentrate. That is, until businesses began incorporating office phone booths and workstations into their workplaces.
Office phone booths are small and comfortable private pods that businesses can install in their workspaces. These pods provide a space that’s sound-resistant and offers a greater level of privacy, helping employees to avoid distractions and get their best work done.
Office pod workstations are freestanding, acting as spaces where employees can enter and leave whenever they want. Although self-contained, some large office phone booth models have enough space for up to four people, making them perfect for small meetings or brainstorming sessions.
As a private space in the middle of your office, office phone booths will radically shift how your workforce completes its tasks.
Key Features of Office Phone Booths
With the explosion in popularity of office phone booths over the last few years, you can now find models almost anywhere you look. However, the very best models will have a few core features that put them above the rest.
When browsing through office phone booths, make sure to look for the following:
Sockets: They allow employees to stay in the pods as long as they would like, charging their devices as they go.
Charging Ports: USB and USB-C charging ports ensure that employees can keep their phones topped up with battery while inside a phone booth.
Ventilation: Great ventilation, allowing the employee inside to feel fresh all day long.
Motion sensors: MIT research demonstrates that around 20% of all energy used in the us comes from commercial buildings. Often, offices waste energy by leaving their lights on. Motion sensor lights within office booths help to prevent energy waste and keep your company as green as possible.
Customisation options: In all sectors of business, branding is extremely important. You want your office to represent and reflect your company spirit, which is why you should look for office phone booths that you can customise.
Affordable Price Tag: All of the above features shouldn’t come at an exorbitant price. Modern office phone booths can be affordable without sacrificing quality.
Of course, alongside these features, you also want to make sure that the office phone booth is functional. If it’s for a single person, a comfortable chair and shelf or desk are absolutely required. Alternatively, if the work booth is for several people, then a larger table that gives everyone enough room would also be a much-needed feature.

Benefits of Office Phone Booths
Office booths are accessible, quiet, and accommodating space where workers can settle down into their best work. Deep work allows employees to focus on their tasks, getting through as much as possible in the shortest period of time. However, deep work rarely happens in an office space due to the high number of distractions.

Alongside decreasing the total number of distractions by having employees go to private spaces when they want to focus, there are a number of other benefits to office phone booths:
Boosted productivity: 84.4% of people get distracted at work; most workers experience this several times a day. Considering that it can take upwards of 20 minutes to get back into the flow after being disrupted, a private office phone booth free from distractions can radically increase productivity.
Increased Employee Wellness: According to a Metlife study, around 37% of employees working in the UK feel stressed, anxious, and burnt out while at work. Providing a private space where employees can tackle work at their own pace will offer a much-needed sanctuary in your office. Over time, being able to escape to these quiet office phone booths will help to increase employee satisfaction and well-being.
Improved Collaboration: Finally, they also provide space for collaboration. Whether it’s 1:1 meetings or group calls, office phone booths that serve multiple people are a fantastic resource for the office to have.
Office phone booths are an invaluable tool for the office workspace, providing a range of powerful advantages that will benefit any business.
Final thoughts
Although office booths are not a new technology, their recent innovations have made them more effective than ever before. With the plethora of benefits they offer, youd be hard-pressed to find a modern workspace that doesn’t have at least one of these flexible working spaces available. Thousands of companies across the globe now pride themselves on the employee wellness improvements, increase in productivity, and boosted focus that office booths bring.
If you are looking to learn more about how office phone booths can help your business thrive, then reach out to MEAVO today. Our team will be happy to help in any way we can.